Who Isn't Pushing A Course?

Seems Like Everyone, Don't It?

Now, if you’ve been around for a hot minute; you know everyone and their brother is selling you a course. You’re probably thinking…no duh! Who the fuck isn’t selling a course. You may have even come across someone today, selling you a course. It’s almost as bad as bitcoin and NFT’s days. Every time you turn around, some schmo is selling you their hot take on something. Oh lucky us!

That’s Totally Something I’d Do…

I’ll give it to the “guru’s”, though. They’re courses, they say they will they’ll fix whatever is ailing you. They promise you the moon and the stars. That you can be a superstar if you just think about it more. Visualize it!


They tell you that what’s holding you back is you. You just need to change your mindset. Improve your thinking. Then and only will everything you desire will come to you. They make you feel good. Inspire you, dare I say empower you. You believe you can take on the world and you’ll always be a winner.


However, like any good high, once you come down, you realize: what did I just do?


It doesn’t have to be that way.


There’s a better way…my courses!

methods of education:


individual instruction

for experienced owners

Get the accountability and partnership that comes from a formal course; but with a real, tangible and meaningful outcome.

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GUIDED instruction

for established owners

No time for formal education, but still want the depth and rigor that come from a course? Then Units are for you!

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for seasoned owners

Some times, you just need a quick Review to update your killer skills.

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Introductory Content

for all business owners

Foundational principles, ideas and skills that incite and inform business

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