Ever wonder why there isn't anything out there that speaks to owners like you?


Wonder no more...now there is!




The Future Will Be Televised

Creating Short Form Sales Content

Don't Give 'Em Ugly

Crafting Images and Posts That Connect

Embracing Your Tribe

Engaging Effectively With Your Tribe

Everyone Is Never An Option

Cultivating Your Core Consumers

Current Study Topics:

The E.H. Howard Correspondence School is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. You can’t find another school like it, they simply don’t exist!


Here at EHHCS we have one goal: to take your existing skills and turn them up to eleven! Learn how to apply them in new, exciting and modern ways. In short we help you be the business you could be, should be. Desire to be!


The E.H. Howard Correspondence School offers courses every self-employed, small or home business needs:







All designed to teach you in ways that make sense to you. Don’t hesitate, get started today!

methods of education:


On demand learning

On demand learning. Access individual units and their associated workbooks in the order you want and need.

200 page associated Study Guide

Over 40 hours of prerecorded video lecture content

Access to supplemental and bonus content

Assistance and support as needed

Learn More About Units

Review Book

DIY as needed learning

All of the associated workbooks in one easy to use and convenient place.

200 page Study Guide

Access to supplemental and bonus content

Assistance and support as needed

Learn More About Review Books


Work one to one with me on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule focusing on a specific topic.

Classic, traditional learning

Weekly Office Hours* meetings via
Zoom or Facetime.

200 page associated Study Guide

Over 40 hours of prerecorded video lecture content

Access to supplemental and bonus content

Assistance and support as needed

Learn More About Courses

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Look around. There’s not a lot of content for seasoned business owners. Not sure why, it’s not like it’s your first day at the Business Rodeo.


You may not have noticed, but theres a lot of content out there. There’s more and more of it every day. It’s a content tsunami.


You'd with some many experienced owners out there, and all the content that's created; there’d be more of it that spoke to the specific challenges and needs of the middle aged, Gen-X business owner.


Sadly  there isn’t. Saying "isn’t", well it's not  accurate because…now there is!


The E.H. Howard Broadcasting Company brings you the best in small business content.


Content that speaks to people like you.

Programming Guide

Currently Available Shows:

The Conversation

Creating Short Form Sales Content

The Two Minute Challenge

Crafting Images and Posts That Connect

The Small Business Show

Engaging Effectively With Your Tribe

Social Media

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