foundational learning

General Business




social media


No One Person Can Know It All..

like a know-it all.

Perfect for:

Self Employed

Small Businesses

Home Businesses





If it’s all on you, this is just what you need!

There are many great thinkers in the course of human history. Thinkers who thought they knew it all. They were admired far and wide for their “know it all-ness”. Not gonna lie, they knew a lot; but a lot is not all.


You have one advantage over them. You don’t need to know it all; when you the Basics! Created by an A Number One Know It All!


It’s an ever growing library of free and low cost content; designed for Gen X business owners. Owners who are once again finding themselves, through no fault of their own, in need of reinvention.


Basics tell ya what you need to know quickly and easily. They give the broad strokes, the basic idea that are important to business.


You can’t know it all,  now you don’t have to!


to introduce

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I feel strongly that it’s a duty to give back, to assist those who come after us. To share with them the skills we learned, the secrets to our success. More importantly, to share our failures. To give them an understanding of how to overcome.


It quickly became apparent that education is a business. Students, like consumers, were seen as revenue sources. Students, like consumers had a dollar value. They weren’t seen as the building blocks to a stronger, better institution. Things are still the same, which is why I wanted to change it.


Join me and we'll take your existing skills and apply them in new and exciting ways. Take your sales and marketing higher. Get the ROI you want and desire, in ways that make sense and are easy to apply!

e.h. howard
