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See What Might Be,

Rather Than What Is…

There was a time, not so long ago, when being a small business owner was the American Dream. Sure, It wasn't for everyone. It was something attempted by only the brave few. The fearless who possessed a strong entrepreneurial spirit and deep pioneering streak. It was something to be proud of. Not something you had to do, it was something you wanted to do. You can’t imagine doing anything else.


You and I are intimately familiar with that person. Like you, I’m a small business owner and damn proud of it!  We know what it takes, the threats that need to be faced each and every day.


Over the last two two decades, Small Business owners have faced unprecedented challenges. Every day is fight to stay in business. Challenges small businesses has never had to face. From Big Business with deep pockets pushing out more and crushing small businesses. To predatory companies that swoop in with the promise of easier “affordable” solutions to our problems and everything in between


It’s an uneven playing field and it's been that way for for a very long time...


However, things change…


Small Business Is

The American Dream…

I was raised to believe that the greatest thing you could do was to own a business. To be your own boss. It was the gold standard of middle class success. It wasn't a path for everyone, it was something that only a few brave dreamers even attempted.


My father was one of those one of those dreamers. He was always thinking of starting a business. He viewed it as a way out of the corporate world that wasn’t made for him. A world he saw as being only transactionally focused, not relationship based. He saw small business as an escape to a better life. A way to build deep community relationships, while helping those around him. He was a round peg trying to fit into a square hole.








My Dad saw what wasn’t there, he saw what could be there. He would point to a building or plot of land and say: "That’s a great location for a bakery! That spot is perfect for a hardware store. Some day I’m going to open an Irish Pub right over there”.  Every where he went, he saw potential, he saw opportunity. The greatest gift he gave me me was instilling in me a that sense of wonder. To see what might be, rather than what is. To this day I still see the the world as being as full of possibilities, dreams that have yet to come true. You see the possibilities. You see what can be, not what is.


You knew there’d be challenges, but you had no idea it’d be in full on war…

Small Business Is

The American Dream

You started your business because you felt out of place
in Corporate America.
It wasn’t a fit for you.

it can be again!


Corporate America is Waging War on Small Business...

Being a business owner is tough. There’s no denying that. You knew that going in, it was part of the allure. The payoff was going to be better, because you worked hard to achieve it. You were ready for a fight, but you never expected war.







These days small business face challenges on every front. We're fighting financially, against Big Business and their deep pockets and massive marketing budgets. We’re fighting on-line, against web based businesses that outsource our services to employees who are neither trained nor qualified. We fight against a government that gives tax breaks and incentives, at our expense.


It’s that way today, but it doesn’t have to be that way tomorrow.

Big Business

Is Waging War

on Small Business...

They’re actively stifling any

 competition and innovation.

They’ve changed the game

to benefit themselves.

and they are winning it!


Small Business Is The Past, Present
and Future of American Business

America was built by small business, one small business at a time. They are the past and present of the American experience. Small business was the foundation and center of our town, cities, neighborhoods, and communities. Small business owners were an integral in all levels of the community; respected leaders who were actively involved in the world around them. They gave back more than they received.


It's not an idea that is past its expiration date. It's not nostalgia or a hankering for the good old days. It’s about seeing what can be, rather than what it. It’s about seeing the opportunities, the possibilities when no one else can. It’s about dreaming blue sky big and breaking free of Big Business thinking. Small Business can be tomorrows leaders, leaders in innovation, leaders in how business is done, leaders in revitalizing Main Street. It sounds like a dream. It is and it’s also an opportunity...






If we've learned one thing from Big Business; it's that we can start in our garages, at at our kitchen tables tables, or on our couches and achieve greatness. They got where they are by breaking the rules, so why shouldn’t we? They were mavericks and rebels. They rewrote the rules to get what they wanted. If we are going to “win” the war, we need to be like them, to be like my Dad. We need to see opportunity everywhere. To see the potential of who we we are and what we offer.


It’s time to roll up our sleeves. It’s time to be who know we can be!  It’s time to find your Betty.

Small Business Is

The Past, Present
and Future of
American Business


The game is rigged
by Corporate America’s game.

We need to stop playing their rules

These Are Unprecedented Times...

It’s Time

To See What’s Really There

But What No-one Else Can See..

In addition to the challenges we were already facing, now we have to deal with a pandemic, an economy that is cratering, and unprecedented unemployment. More than ever we have to fight to the death to get a consumers attention and continue to fight to get their business. You’re putting in more hours than ever before, and reaping less. It’s enough to make you want to give up. To toss in the towel. That’s one option. The other is to see what’s there, but what no one else can see.


You have a base of consumers who are already purchasing. Big Business thinking ignores them, in favor of the promise of what might be out there. They can cast a huge net into an endless ocean and find more than enough fish to survive, you can’t. Why work so hard to convince a stranger to buy, when you have a group of people who know you, love you and who are eager to buy more? They’re ideal and perfect for you. They’ve been with you through thick and thin. They’re a consumer you want more of. They’re the reason you started your business, to build deep relationships that stand the test of time. It’s a different way of thinking, but it makes sense.


Betty was my ideal client. She was more an idea than an actual person. She was the client I dreamt about when I started my business. I knew Betty wasn’t an outlier, where there was one Betty, there were a lot more. I realized rather than spend months marketing to everyone in hopes of eventually finding another Betty or two, why not market direct to Betty. Get Bettys assistance to engage more consumers just like her. Instead of looking out, I looked in. I saw what was right in front of. What no-one else could see. I saw more opportunity. More possibilities.


Join me in changing how small business sells it’s self. Help me empower small business innovation that can make the world better.


We can do it, all you need to do is find your Betty.


What Small Business Needs To Do

Three Things

Small Business

Needs To Do...

All Hope Is Not Lost!

As a small business owner, you have the power in your hands to change the game, to break free from Big Business thinking. There are three simple things any business can do to rewrite the rules of the game. Making even one change can start the dominoes fall. One simple change can help grow your business in ways you’ve never imagined.

Know What
You're Selling

You have a unique space in the market. No-one does what you do, like you do. Own it! Embrace who you are, what you do and why you do it.


Homogeny is the death of any business, especially a small business. Market and sell your distinctiveness. Doing it any other way isn’t selling you and it’s certainly not creating loyalty in your consumers.


Give your ideal consumers clear reasons and a real purpose to purchase. If you aren’t clear on why someone should buy, no-one will be.



How To Figure Out
What It Is You’re Selling

Develop a clear and concise way of talking about and selling your offerings that engages and excites your ideal client.


You aren’t defined by your industry, you define your industry. Speak from a personal place to connect on a personal level


Don’t hold back. You are the best salesperson you will ever have. No-one will ever have the passion for your business like you.

Focus On The Greatest Return



You’re one of the Brave and the Bold. You are a small business owner damnit! You’ve got the goods consumers want. You’ve got the stuff they want. You’ve got what they want, so give it to them! So, why are you marketing yourself like everyone else in your industry? Why are you trying to fit in, when you should be working to stand out? You need to be you, you need to stand out. You need to let your freak flag fly, baby!


It makes sense, kinda. You want to appeal to everyone; even your neighbor Janice’s third cousin once removed. You need to stand out. Own who you are and what you do. Presenting yourself like everyone else is the death of a small business. You need to show consumers why you’re unique, why you’re special, what you can do for them that no-one else can. Give consumers real reasons to purchase.


Anyone can buy, but you need to market to people who want to hear what you’re saying and buy what you’re selling. That may or not be Janice’s third cousin once removed, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Are The Best


You Have


No-ones got the fire in their belly for your business like you do.

Focus On The Greatest Return

Break out of Big Business thinking and stop selling to everyone. Refocus and market to consumers who want to hear what you have to say and sell to consumers who want to buy what you’re selling.


Build personal relationships that in turn will grow your business in ways you’d never thought possible.


Foster consumer experiences that are shareable
 and go beyond coupons and discounts.



How To Focus on return

Embrace that the best use of your marketing resources is to build and foster relationships
 with consumers, either in person or on-line.


Deepen and expand the relationships you have with your current consumers by marketing direct to them,
not to everyone.


Embrace the concept of friends and family
as potential ideal consumers.



When was the last time you bought a different brand of ketchup? Dish soap? Have you ever switched Dry Cleaners, found a new Tax guy or went to a new Mechanic? Rarely if ever, right? The only time you switch businesses or brands is when something serious happens. Even then, you might hang around. See how it all shakes out. Change is a pain in the ass. It’s a real hassle. it’s why people only do it when they have to. Underneath it all there’s a real fear of the unknown. The fear that new options could be worse than what you already have.


It’s hard to get someone to make a change. Big Business spends millions of dollars convincing your brother in law Dale to switch from Brand A to Brand B, and vice a versa. You’re a small business. You don’t have millions, you have extremely limited funds. What you do have is a base of loyal consumers who love you, love what you do and want to buy more. Wouldn’t it make sense to focus on your current base and the people they know that are like them?  What you can do is build your business one relationship at a time.


Anyone and everyone can buy, even your brother in law Dale. He may switch, who knows, but why spend time, money and resources on one changing one persons mind? You have a group who’s minds are already made up. Now it’s about putting your limited resources to give you the greatest return: the people who know you.

One Relationship

At A Time…

People will only jump ship when the ship starts sinking.

Find Your Betty

Find Your Betty

Communicate your unique space in the market to your ideal consumer. That person who will be the most responsive and appreciative. (Aka: Your Betty)


Foster a loyal base of consumers who will purchase when times are great; when times are tough and who will share their experiences with like minded consumers.


Model and teach your ideal consumers. Show them how to accurately talk about and sell your products and services to their inner circle.



How To Find Your Betty

Identify your ideal consumer. Determine who they are, what will get them to purchase.


Develop concise set of selling points that speak direct to your ideal consumers needs.


Control the narrative by creating a ways in which consumers can easily and correctly share your business with like minded consumers.



You’re a small business owner. You’re not looking for world domination. You’re not looking to be a global powerhouse. You just want to find a few more consumers and grow your business. Sure Helga from Berlin might love your products, but are you really looking to grow your Berlin customer base? She can get what she needs from a local small business. Like Helga, you need to be focusing locally on people who want to hear what you’re saying, but what you’re selling.


You have a strong base of loyal consumers. Doesn’t it make sense to market and sell to a group who’s excited to buy? Wouldn’t it make more sense to put your limited resources to their best use?  I’m not say anyone and Helga can’t buy, they certainly can. Helga can buy as much as she wants. We all want business, but you need to market to people who will hear and take action. Your ideal consumers, your Betty!

They may love

you in berlin...

But how does that really help you?


Let's  Start Making A Change...