








prime time


with e.h. Howard

There a lot of topics that we need to talk about. Conversations that might be acceptable in polite society.


Well no-one has ever accused me of being polite, or being able to keep my mouth shut. So let’s talk.


let's talk about

those prices

There’s no doubt prices are on the rise. That’s a fact you can take to the bank Jack! The why isn’t important, let’s just call it “reasons”. The why isn’t important to our conversation. What is important is: what are ya’ gonna do about it?


Let’s discuss further shall we?


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the math ain't mathin'

If we want our consumers to see us as genuine and authentic, we need to put those ideas into direct practice.  Everything we do should be honest and real. That goes doubling for building our followers.


Let’s discuss further shall we?


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to know me
is to love me

The idea that someone loves and understands your business enough to tell other like minded consumers about it, in an effort to get them to buy.  It’s like having an unpaid sales ad marketing team.


I mean that’s how is supposed to work, but that doesn’t mean it always does.


Let’s discuss further shall we?


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two hundred days

from now...

You’re sitting there thinking: Those options just straight up suck…Possibly, but not necessarily. You need to be hard to forget, but at the same time you’re dealing with people who know you. So a little reminding is really all you need


Let’s discuss further shall we?


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you tell two friends

The keyword here is potential.  Word of mouth has massive potential. Just ask any “influencer”. What if we could harness the highest power of word of mouth to help us grow our business


Let’s discuss further shall we?


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to know me
is to love me

We assume younger generations haven’t lived enough. They don’t know what they’re talking about. They haven’t have enough experience. We assume that older generations, well…they’ve lived too long. They don’t know what they’re talking about because they’re out of touch.


Let’s discuss further shall we?


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