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e.h. howard

The Voice For A Generation Of Business Owners

Who Isn't Pushing A Course?

Seems Like Everyone, Don't It?

Now, if you’ve been around for a hot minute; you know everyone and their brother is selling you a course. You’re probably thinking…no duh! Who the fuck isn’t selling a course. You may have even come across someone today, selling you a course. It’s almost as bad as bitcoin and NFT’s days. Every time you turn around, some schmo is selling you their hot take on something. Oh lucky us!

That’s Totally Something I’d Do…

Six Week Courses


Creating short form sales video content


Crafting static images and posts that connect

Four Week Courses


Converting Ideal Consumers

I’ll give it to the “guru’s”, though. They’re courses, they say they will they’ll fix whatever is ailing you. They promise you the moon and the stars. That you can be a superstar if you just think about it more. Visualize it!


They tell you that what’s holding you back is you. You just need to change your mindset. Improve your thinking. Then and only will everything you desire will come to you. They make you feel good. Inspire you, dare I say empower you. You believe you can take on the world and you’ll always be a winner.


However, like any good high, once you come down, you realize: what did I just do?


It doesn’t have to be that way.



There’s a better way…my courses!


Cultivating Your Core Consumers



Actual Learning:

Teach Me Something

what you learn:

Step by step instruction in how to create, shoot and product short form video content...on your phone!

How to write effective sales copy that translates to a video script

Learn the basic principles of design for video content.



Those “other courses”, well…the things they promise are frankly out of their control. They’re setting you up for outcomes that they can’t really deliver. If a different mindset, then I wouldn’t need to buy a course. If just visualizing what I want gave it to, I wouldn’t be here now.  There’s nothing wrong with empowering people, except that’s not everything you want or need, is it?.


You’re not asking for much. You don’t need to 10x your income through Amazon drop shipping. You just need to get from Monday to Friday.  Maybe enjoy a day off once in awhile. You need a course that modernizes your existing sales and marketing skills. A course that helps you become a more competitive business; ready to take on the challenges of the twenty-first century.


It’s time to really work smarter, not harder.



But I don’t have time for a lot of extras.

I need a one stop solution.


Here’s the thing…have you ever noticed that those “other” course are never about giving you what you need. It’s about glorifying the presenter. It’s a constant theme in the on-line “Guru’s” community. They get you excited. Keep you excited. Excited enough to buy the next course, and the next course…. It’s not about learning, it’s about getting you to consistently buy. It’s like some sort of screwed up MLM structure.


My assumption is this might be the only course of mine you ever take. I hope its the only course you ever need. That means I’m going to do all that I can to ensure it’s the only course you’ll ever take. If it’s important to understanding the topic, it’s in the course. If it’s something supplemental or bonus, it’s in the course. Every thing you need, a workbook, videos lectures and demos, additional content…it’s ALL in the course.


There’s no need to buy more of anything. It’s a full and well rounded education in a specific subject.



That kinda learning sounds pricey. Is it pricey?

Self Contained:

Everything You Need…

Nothing You Don’t!

What You Get

Weekly Office Hours* meetings

65 plus page workbook

All prerecorded lecture content

Access to supplemental and bonus content

Assistance and support as needed

Are You Freakin’ Kidding Me?


Seriously! What’s with the cost of those “other” courses? You can buy a car, pay your rent, eat or gamble it all on a course. A course that probably won’t give you the help you need. At prices no-one can afford. At those prices you need to take me by the hand, every step of the way. At those prices, you’re on my speed dial and I expect Cadillac service.


What the “Guru’s” don’t get is, it’s hard to make ends meet some weeks. Who am I kidding, most weeks. As a self-employed, small business if you’re going to spend money, you expect to get some serious ROI. You need solutions, not more problems.


You need a robust solution to get you what you need at prices that won’t break your budget. That’s exactly what you get. I’ve always been that owner that wants to always give you three dollars of value, for every dollar you spend.


That’s why it’s all about prices that work for any and every budget.



All about me? Really?


For me, I’ve never been impressed by someone flexing with expensive cars, a luxurious house or the fact that they have tanning beds in their offices. That’s might be fine for some people, but not me. I’d watch those and wonder: “…are they ever actually show me HOW they did it? Specifically tell me step by step, how?”  It feels like all they’re really doing is tossing out inspirational words to gloss over and hide the lack of content depth.


An experience educator knows; it’s never about you, it’s always about your student success. Sure, there’s plenty of videos. Each matches up and aligns with the workbook. All of it designed to help you learn. Its actual step by step instruction. Brainstorming activities, and empowerment and inspiration.



That’s a lot, it might be too much. What if I don’t want that much?

No Self-Aggrandizing Videos:

Is This About Helping Me,

or Building Your Brand?



Any Way You Want It,

That’s The Way You Get It

While I’m on a tangent. Ya know what else…those “other courses” are designed with only the needs of the educator in mind. Their content is offered in a way that works best for them. If that aligns with your needs and way of learning, great. If not, oh well!


As a visual learner, I understand everyone takes information differently.  We all take in information in different way. You need courses that teach you in a way that works best for you. A way that plays to your strengths and needs.


That means offering you the same content in different ways. You get the same education, at the price point want and a learning style you need.


methods of education:

individual instruction


for experienced owners

for seasoned owners

Get the accountability and partnership that comes from a formal course; but with a real, tangible and meaningful outcome.

Some times, you just need a quick Review to update your killer skills.

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GUIDED instruction

Introductory Content

for established owners

for all business owners

No time for formal education, but still want the depth and rigor that come from a course? Then Units are for you!

Foundational principles, ideas and skills that incite and inform business

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Learn more



Where Do We
Go From Here?

So I guess if I’m here to sell, well I better get to selling, right? These courses ain’t gonna sell themselves. I mean they literally could, they’re so amazing…but I digress.



Not sure what’s right for you, feel free to book a free thirty minute information session! In that time we can discuss what’s what might be right for you and your goals. It’s a no obligation way to find out what’s right for you.


Click on the button below to find a time that works for you.