prime time
content for owners
like you...
two hundred
days from now...
When it comes to sales and marketing you have two options:
Keep in front of them on a regular and constant basis
Do something outrageous and crazy that gets everyone talking about you.
You’re sitting there thinking: Those options just straight up suck…Possibly, but not necessarily. You need to be hard to forget, but at the same time you’re dealing with people who know you. So a little reminding is really all you need
If only it were that easy. I mean it’s easy, but not that easy.
Let's discuss...
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Doin’ It His Way…
For over thirty years, I’ve worked in and for small businesses.
My first job was a stock boy, leading me to becoming a retail associate. From there decades of freelancing in a number of creative fields. All of it leading to eventually owning and running one of Orange County’s premiere design and marketing studios.
I’ve been doing it for a long time.
That’s a good thing...
More About E.H. Howard
Use It or Lose It...
Two decades of working in education give you a different insight. I’ve had some amazing teachers, but they were stuck in a system that didn’t work.
To truly learn, you need to process what you’ve learned and apply it. Make it part of your skill set.
That’s how it used to be…
and that’s a good thing.
Use It or Lose It...
You may not have noticed, but there a lot of content out there. There’s more and more every day. It’s a content tsunami.
You think with all that content; there’d be more of it that spoke to the challenges and needs to middle aged, Gen-X business owners. Sadly there isn’t. Well, maybe saying wasn’t instead of isn’t is more accurate because…
now there is!