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e.h. howard

The Voice For A Generation Of Business Owners

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e.h. howard

The Voice For A Generation Of Business Owners

allow myself


to introduce

I feel strongly that it’s a duty to give back, to assist those who come after us. To share with them the skills we learned, the secrets to our success. More importantly, to share our failures. To give them an understanding of how to overcome.


It quickly became apparent that education is a business. Students, like consumers, were seen as revenue sources. Students, like consumers had a dollar value. They weren’t seen as the building blocks to a stronger, better institution. Things are still the same, which is why I wanted to change it.


Join me and we'll take your existing skills and apply them in new and exciting ways. Take your sales and marketing higher. Get the ROI you want and desire, in ways that make sense and are easy to apply!

e.h. howard


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These days you hear a lot about privilege. Not always in the most positive of ways. However, it’s not a bad word. It can be a good thing, like when you join my Tribe!


When you join, you get a ton of members only content. Content designed to specifically help you face the challenges and problems that come at you every day.


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Some times things can go real low. The temperature, your sister at the holidays bringing up that thing from college, or the price of Basics. Basics are low cost worksheets that supplement and add to the free video content.


Sounds good right? Learning and improving. We all know though, that most things in life aren’t free. Well…what if I told you, you could get get something for free. You could get all current and future Basics worksheets for free, for a year!


Whaaaa?!! That’s crazy, right?!


Guess what Buddy; that’s right…you get free basics worksheets! They’re free right up the moment they play you off the stage. Now the Maths, they ain’t my thing, but even I know…that’s some serious savings!


Sounds too good to be true, right? There’s got to be a hitch. It can’t be all give, there has to be some sort of take, right?




Yes there is. All you need to do is join my tribe. In addition to a lifetime of freebies, whose value I can’t enumerate; get our Bi-weekly newsletter. Get access to members only free discussion groups and workshops. If that’s not enough get twenty five percent off your first purchase in the E.H. Howard bookstore.


So if you’re still asking yourself how low is low, well that’s how low I can go.


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Can things Go?