








prime time

content for owners

like you...

to know me,

is to love me...

We all want to be memorable. Easy to remember. Hard to forget


We trust that when consumers need us, they’ll remember us and where us accurately.


As self-employed, small or home businesses we don’t have the time for massive sales and marketing like big business…


Our go to is networking and referrals.


The core idea running through both of those is: word of mouth.


The idea that someone loves and understands your business enough to tell other like minded consumers about it, in an effort to get them to buy.  It’s like having an unpaid sales ad marketing team.


I mean that’s how is supposed to work, but that doesn’t mean it always does.


It can almost feel like the universe has to aligned in just the right way,


and if luck is in your side…



to introduce

allow me

I feel strongly that it’s a duty to give back, to assist those who come after us. To share with them the skills we learned, the secrets to our success. More importantly, to share our failures. To give them an understanding of how to overcome.


It quickly became apparent that education is a business. Students, like consumers, were seen as revenue sources. Students, like consumers had a dollar value. They weren’t seen as the building blocks to a stronger, better institution. Things are still the same, which is why I wanted to change it.


Join me and we'll take your existing skills and apply them in new and exciting ways. Take your sales and marketing higher. Get the ROI you want and desire, in ways that make sense and are easy to apply!

e.h. howard




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