








prime time

content for owners

like you...

People Who Luncheon

One of the problems most self-employed, small or home business owners face is we get wrapped up in running the business. We get lost in the day to day, forget to take time out for us. That’s not a good thing.


We race along at high speed…like a high end sports cars. However, even a machine can break down, if it’s not properly cared for.


We’re no good to anyone, if we don’t take time to recharge and reset. That means eating and relaxing.  That means getting out there and for a half an hour live a little. Take a breather. Enjoy yourself.


Let's Do This! In this episode of the Toolbox Challenge, we get out of the office, out of our head, when we take a cure from People Who Luncheon!




I won't bother you much,

maybe like a normal amount of bother, though...

 because membership, it has some privileges. When you join, you get:


25% off everything in the Store

Free, monthly newsletter, delivered right right in your in-box

Private, members only networking events, workshops and info sessions

And that’s just for starters…


So sign up today and be part of the coolest group in the internet. You know you want to…

They say money is tight, right? Tell me something I don’t know. When you’re a self-employed, small or home business owner, that’s an every day occurrence. It’s nothing new. We deal with it all day, every day.


So then I have to ask: who doesn’t want to not only save a buck or two? Who doesn’t want to get something of value and substance, while saving a buck? Only a crazy person would say no to that!

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