How do you take time out for yourself. Have some fun, experience some new things, and keep it fetch? The Toolbox Challenge!
What’s that you say?
That sounds like something weird? Is it something weird? It’s something weird…
No nothing weird.
Much like your household tool box you have a lot of tools. You rarely use most of them, but if you need them; they’re there.
You may not need to use it today, but it's there if ya need them.
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People Who Luncheon
It’s easy to get wrapped up in getting what needs to
be done, done. That means there’s little to no time for extras, like going out to lunch. We need to change that!
You’re no good to anyone; if you don’t take some
time here and there to relax, recharge, and have a
new experience.
With that in mind, take a half hour out of your day
and go out for lunch.
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monsters lead such interesting lives
I said to my best bud, the other day, I said, “I bet Monsters lead interesting lives”, I said, “Gee I bet monsters are interesting…Oh the places they must go, The interesting people they must meet..
Let's find out in this weeks challenge!
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Reading Is Fundamental
Not gonna lie, as a self-employed, small business owner, we’re busy. We’ve convinced ourselves we’re so busy we don’t have time to relax, let alone read something for pleasure. We do have the time, we just don’t have the motivation. Give ourselves permission.
You can find the fifteen minutes. You have the permission to relax and now you have some motivation.
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You know me, I love to eat. NGL. So, imagine my shock and awe when I discovered a new business had opened up right under my nose. Now I’m really glad I pulled my butt out of my office chair and took a walk!
Who knows when I’d have discovered Ye Olde Fashioned Extra Salty Chips and Dips?!? Imagine all the chip and dip combos I’d have missed!
That’s why getting out of the office is a great way to recharge, refresh and dip your chip.
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Don't Change
That Channel!
These days everyone is the star in their own productions. We all seem to having something to say, and the internet allows us to do that. Nothing in the modern embodies those ideas more than YouTube.
In this episode of the Toolbox Challenge, Don’t Change The Channel, we’re going to look at content. What’s out there, what we might do and what are the possibilities in front of us.
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Current Challenges
I won't bother you much,
maybe like a normal amount of bother, though...