You know me, I love to eat. NGL. So, imagine my shock and awe when I discovered a new business had opened up right under my nose. Now I’m really glad I pulled my butt out of my office chair and took a walk!
Who knows when I’d have discovered Ye Olde Fashioned Extra Salty Chips and Dips?!? Imagine all the chip and dip combos I’d have missed!
That’s why getting out of the office is a great way to recharge, refresh and dip your chip.
Let’s talk about it more, shall we?
Download the worksheet HERE
It His
For over thirty years, I’ve worked in and for small businesses.
My first job was a stock boy, leading me to becoming a retail associate. From there decades of freelancing in a number of creative fields. All of it leading to eventually owning and running one of Orange County’s premiere design and marketing studios.
I’ve been doing it for a long time.
That’s a good thing...
More About E.H. Howard
Use It
Lose It...
Two decades of working in education give you a different insight. I’ve had some amazing teachers, but they were stuck in a system that didn’t work.
To truly learn, you need to process what you’ve learned and apply it. Make it part of your skill set.
That’s how it used to be…
and that’s a good thing.
I won't bother you much,
maybe like a normal amount of bother, though...