








prime time

content for owners

like you...

Reading Is FUNdamental

Not gonna lie, as a self-employed, small business owner, we’re busy. We’ve convinced ourselves we’re so busy we don’t have time to relax, let alone read something for pleasure. We do have the time, we just don’t have the motivation. Give ourselves permission.


In this week’s challenge, we’re going to take a hot fifteen for ourselves. We’re going to pout that time to good use by reading a short story.  As a salesperson you need to be able to interact and engage with all types of people. People with different backgrounds and experiences. Reading gives you more to talk about, as well as places of intersection and engagement to build deeper relationships.


You can find the fifteen minutes. You have the permission to relax and now you have some motivation.


With that in mind, join me for this week’s toolbox challenge and let’s start expanding our reach! See you there.




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maybe like a normal amount of bother, though...

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They say money is tight, right? Tell me something I don’t know. When you’re a self-employed, small or home business owner, that’s an every day occurrence. It’s nothing new. We deal with it all day, every day.


So then I have to ask: who doesn’t want to not only save a buck or two? Who doesn’t want to get something of value and substance, while saving a buck? Only a crazy person would say no to that!

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