Am I The Crazy One?

'cause it's kinda feeling like I am

There are times when I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. It seems like everyone and their brother is selling a course these days. That’s all well and good. However, when I hear the word “course”, there are some basics expectations and assumptions that go with that.


I assume that I will be getting value and meaning. That I get something of real value in return for my investment. Something of tangible value, other than a ton of self aggrandizing videos.


I expect a process. A pathway to learning, backed with structure. I expect that each week to build on the previous one. I expect to be constantly moving and improving.






Maybe I’m a weirdo, but I expect to actually learn something. To improve my existing skills. I hope to be better at the end of the course than when I started it.


Those aren’t crazy ideas, right? It’s not an insane point of view, is it? I don’t understand, why it’s not common practice, if your goal is to really educate.


Honestly, it’s not that hard to do…

I'm looking for value; for return on my investment

Learning That Gives You Value

methods of education:


Classic, traditional learning


On demand learning

On demand learning. Access individual units and their associated workbooks in the order you want and need.

200 page associated Study Guide

Over 40 hours of prerecorded video lecture content

Access to supplemental and bonus content

Assistance and support as needed

Learn More About Units

Study Guides

DIY as needed learning

All of the associated workbooks in one easy to use and convenient place.

200 page Study Guide

Access to supplemental and bonus content

Assistance and support as needed

Learn More About Guides

Work one to one with me on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule focusing on a specific topic.

Weekly Office Hours* meetings via
Zoom or Facetime.

200 page associated Study Guide

Over 40 hours of prerecorded video lecture content

Access to supplemental and bonus content

Assistance and support as needed

You Know

Your Sh*t

this isn't your first day in business...

How often have you seen a course offered on line and thought, who needs that? Who wants to learn that? What am I get out of this when all is said and done?


This isn’t your first day at the rodeo. You know how to sell and market. You should, you’ve been in the thick of it for awhile now, years. You don’t need someone to show you the basics, you know those, backwards and forwards. You need to study subjects that expand your existing skills.





You need courses that speak to your business and it's challenges. A course that shows you new ways to use your classic sales and marketing skills. How to apply them in new and exciting ways. A course that shows, step by step, how to be better today than you were yesterday.


What a novel idea, right?

Return On Your Investment

Areas Of Study:

Sales Video Content Creation

Image Creation

Ideal Consumers

Core Consumers

Demographics for Small Business


All Courses Cover:


Basic Design (static and video)





It's Right There

In The Name

You should get return on your investment

I’ve said it a million times: if you pay someone for something, you should get a return that’s equal or greater than your investment. Sure we can argue about how we define a return on investment, but in the end it's always the same thing.


That’s not an unrealistic or crazy expectation. Isn’t that what it’s all about, ROI?


Damn right it is.

It might be all on you, but it can be easier


Six Week Course



Four Week Course

What Do You Get

Office Hours with E.H. Howard

70+ page workbook

Supplemental instructional videos

Free access to Basics content

Discussion Groups


Your Commitment

Attend Office Hour sessions*

Do the work

Keep an open mind

Materials are included in the cost of the course. You will need to have a phone, tablet or other to device to record, edit and upload any content for content based courses.


Office Hours are a time for us to connect. Answer questions and concerns. Review work. Brainstorm solutions to problems you might be facing and set you up for success in the coming week.

You Like It

c'mon, you know you do.

You’re the kinda owner who has to “do it all” when it comes to your sales and marketing. Let's be real though, if you’re being honest though, you kinda like it. You rather enjoy it. You just want to do it a little bit better and easier.





My courses are designed for the seasoned and experienced self-employed or small business owner.  You have a base set of skills, you’ve got the chops, you know your shit. You don’t need to reinvent yourself, again.


I’m not looking to change who you are, what you do. I want to show you how to use your sales and marketing resources more effectively, and in new and different ways. You just need to upgrade your existing skills with a more modern approach.

upgrade your existing skills with

a more modern approach.




There are no stupid questions, so ask away. Drop me a line or schedule a thirty minute info session. I can help you choose what course is right for your goals. What you hope to accomplish with your learning, and how I can help you get where you need to go. It’s all about you, so don’t hesitate!

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Fine Print

All materials* are included in the course. You will need to have a phone, tablet or other to device to record, edit and upload your content.


Office Hours are a time for us to connect. Answer questions and concerns. Review work. Brainstorm solutions to problems you might be facing and set you up for success in the coming week.


This course is not software specific. You will not learn how to use any over the counter programs from companies like Adobe or Canva. You will learn the skills, ideas and design principles that transcend software.


This is not a degree program. You will not receive any credit or certifications upon completion of the program.


meet reality!

Course Catalog


Fine Print


Book An Info Session
